It was a one-of-a-kind race with a one-of-a-kind race director.
Saturday marked the 29th and final Merrimack River 10 mile trail race. I was one of 71 runners who finished the race, a picturesque and hilly jaunt along the banks of the Merrimack.
There's many things which made the race unique.
- The entry fee - it was $10 if you entered prior to Sept. 25 (T-shirts an extra $10). Show me another race in the country where the entry fee is $1 per mile. Good luck.
- The wooded course. The out-and-back course in Andover (the race used to barely go into Tewksbury) is phenomenal. Former world boxing champ Micky Ward once called it the best course he ever ran.
- The race director. Prior to the race, Steve Peterson said he was hoping not to cry. He barely made it. The race was obviously a labor of love for Peterson, a Chelmsford resident. No race director has more fun. No race director is more fun.
His pre-race speech (no microphone is needed) always induces laughs. But it's during the post-race in which "Petey" shines. His award announcing is legendary. Steve passes out awards with the enthusiasm of a game show host - on steroids. And what to say about his prizes? I walked away with a box of Mike & Ike, a package of gum and a tube of toothpaste.
Also handed out were a jar of olives, homemade baked goods, a bag of licorice and a can of sardines. Steve added a special touch. When a person came up to receive their raffle prize, Steve read a musical quote. If the person named the song or band, they received a bonus prize. (I nailed my Led Zeppelin question).
When it was over, he thanked everyone who supported the race. He received a giant round of applause. His good friend Scott Spence then presented Steve with a chili bowl which was crafted by Scott's daughter, Courtney. Steve came close to crying, but he held back the tears.
Barely. It was the end of a 29-year run. (Pun intended). Unless a new race director takes over, the Merrimack River 10 mile trail race will go into the record books.
And if a new race director takes over, good luck following Steve Peterson.

Steve Peterson prior to the final race.